Spirituality at Powell's
How do we describe Spirituality at Powell's
Spiritual Development in Powell’s School enables children the opportunity to think about themselves, their relationships with others, about beauty and creation and the world beyond. We model an environment of inclusion and respect. We allow children the space, processes, imagination, relationships, intimacy and trust to be spiritual beings.
At Powell’s we enable children to explore their spirituality by
- Teaching the children that Christians believe in a higher power.
- Praying with the children every day.
- Giving the children a chance to talk about spiritual questions.
- Teaching significances in the Christian faith through specific RE lessons, worship and celebrations throughout the year.
- Teaching morals through our values led worships and the core values we have identified as a school.
- Providing the children with opportunities to serve others within the school and the local community.
- Children completing reflection journals either as a class or individually in order to capture their thoughts and feelings and provide unique and personalised spiritual experiences.
- Providing opportunities for quiet reflection in each daily worship.
- Providing reflection areas in each class and in communal areas in order for the children to have time during the school day where they can quietly reflect and/or pray. This includes quiet spaces in our outdoor areas, so the children have the space to reflect and be quiet.
- Encouraging the children at Powell’s to be the best version of themselves. Staff set good examples and best practice is rewarded in class and during celebration worships.
- Rewarded children for following our values by being placed on the values tree for that term and celebrated during the last worship of the term.
- Seeking to find ways in which all curriculum areas can contribute to children’s spiritual development and using these opportunities in our planning.
- Striving to provide opportunities in all curriculum areas for children to use their imagination, inspiration, insight, empathy and understanding
- Developing our Global Neighbours approach in school, allowing the children the opportunity to develop a fascination in learning about the world around them including the intangible and teaching them respect for different people’s beliefs, religious or otherwise, values and people’s feelings.
- Encouraging the children to develop relationships based on Christian values of love, forgiveness and service as well as those of our core values. Through all curriculum areas we foster spirituality through prayer, dance, singing in class, worship and school choirs, music, poetry, art, drama, story and a love of nature (Forest School/EY Wellie Walks).
- Governors working alongside the Worship lead and Headteacher to contribute to developing spirituality across the school. They have also attended spirituality training with the local clergy.