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Powell's School Church of England (VA) Primary School

Powell's School uniform 

School Uniform

PE Kit
  • Royal blue sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper with school logo or plain
  • White or pale blue polo shirt
  • Grey or black trousers, skirt or shorts
  • Black or dark coloured shoes, no open toe sandals, crocs or sports trainers, worn with plain coloured socks
  • Blue & white or yellow and white summer dresses
  • Long hair to be worn tied up
  • Jewellery is not permitted to be worn other than a watch (no smart watches) or small stud earrings


School Bags

Early Years, Year 1 & Year 2 children should be using flat style book bags, either branded from D&J Sports or plain royal blue.


From year 3 upwards rucksack's can be used but must fit in a locker or hang on a coat peg.


Outdoor Clothing

We are lucky to have a large school field and Forest School and we enjoy outdoor play and learning all year round, whatever the weather.  Therefore, all children should have a pair of wellies or outdoor shoes (labelled) to leave in school.  Coats should be worn to school throughout winter and for changeable weather through the year.


Sunscreen & sunhats will be needed in the summer.


  • White or house coloured t-shirt

Abbey -Yellow

Blue - St John

Green - St Lawrence

Red - Trinity

  • Navy or black shorts, skorts, tracksuit trousers or leggings 
  • Trainers


Powell's logo PE kit is not compulsory for reception, year 1 and year 2.



  • Powell's PE shorts, skorts or unbranded plain navy or black shorts, skorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings
  • Powell's PE t-shirt
  • Powell's PE hoodie is optional, normal school jumpers may be worn
  • Trainers


Powell's embroidered uniform can be purchased from D&J Sports, nonspecific items can be purchased from a wide range of high street and supermarket stores.

Uniform at D&J Sports


Second hand uniform 

Friends of Powell's hold regular pre-loved sales throughout the year and at the school summer fete.  If you require uniform at any other time please let the school office know.

 Powell's Uniform Policy



High standards of appearance are expected. Jewellery, makeup, nail varnish and hair gel are not acceptable. Earrings may be worn but should be small and of the stud style in the interests of safety. If a watch is worn to school, it is entirely the responsibility of the child. It is necessary to change into appropriate clothing for physical activities. 


Powell's Cardigan



Powell's Jumper



Powell's KS2

P.E T-Shirt


KS2 P.E Shorts


KS2 P.E Skort




Powell's Book bag