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Powell's School Church of England (VA) Primary School

School Dinners

School dinners are provided to the school by Caterlink from an offsite kitchen. The cost of a school dinner is £2.54 per day/£12.70 per week. 

The Government provide universal free school lunches to children in KS1 - Reception, Yr1 & Yr2.

All meals can be ordered and paid for online on ParentPay, click the icon below to access:


Activation Letters to use the system are issued to new pupils when they join the school.  Please contact the school office if you need assistance 01285 653799.


Spring/Summer 2023/24

ParentPay Guide to booking meals

ParentPay Guide how to pay for items



Fresh fruit is provided by the Government Fruit & Vegetable scheme and is free to all children in KS1 - Reception, Yr1 & Yr2.  Children bringing their own snacks should bring fruit, vegetables or cereal based snack bars.  Every child should bring water in a refillable bottle everyday. 



School milk is provided by a company called Cool Milk and is free for children under the age of five, please register with Cool Milk online.  Milk for children over the age of five can be ordered online with Cool Milk and costs around £18 a term.

To register for Cool Milk click the icon:


 Free School Meals

The following link has information on eligibility for free school meals.

Free School Meals