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Powell's School Church of England (VA) Primary School



Digit Day

Pupils at Powell’s enjoyed their first “Digit Day” coming dressed in a wide variety of costumes – such great imaginations from all involved. Please see some photographs of the winning costumes from different classes.

During the day, the children experienced activities ranging from making “Numicon” biscuits in year 1 and going on a number hunt to artwork involving camouflaging numbers in Y6. Children in year 2 made numbers using natural materials found in the school grounds. Personally, I really enjoyed the challenge set by one pupil in Year 5 – to find 17 ways to make the number 17, using only prime numbers!

Many thanks for all your support which hopefully has helped to raise the profile of maths.

Mrs Anderson



Year 2

Astrea said that we had lots of fun playing games with the number 5. 5 is half of 10’

Isabelle said that we found lots of numbers in nature and made numbers with sticks and apples.

Year 5

Aidan said He arrived at school dressed with 9.5 on his jumper because on digit day he was exactly 9 and a half years old. His favourite part of Digit day was a debate in English about our favourite number. Number 10 was the winning number with 13 votes.

Year 3

Christopher said that he really liked our art because we were turning numbers in to pictures.

Year 6

Kitty said that she enjoyed drawinig a camoflage number on digit day inspired by the artist Jasper Johns.