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Powell's School Church of England (VA) Primary School

Cross Country Events

Friday 30 January 2020 - Royal Agricultural College

Today was the day of the trial for the County cross country event at the Royal Agriculture University.

The trip there was about 15 minutes long, everyone was feeling nervous but also a little bit excited to run the race.

 The first people to run were the year 5 boys, then the year 5 girls, then y6 boys and finally year 6 girls. The race was 1.5 km long (1500m) and had some parts which were concrete, some parts grass and a tiny bit of tarmac. It was quite cold and windy but there was a sparkle of sunshine in the air. There was a collision at the start of the Y6 boys race in which Jake was knocked over which meant that he was unable to complete the race. This was especially sad for him, as he had qualified for the County Finals the previous year.

 There were two hares leading us throughout the course, but some of us over took them. The results of the teams who got through to the County Finals (the best performers, although everyone did extremely well) were:

Felix 3rd y5

Idris 4th y6.

Ben S 5th y6.

Esther 10th y6.  

Mimi 11th y6 is a reserve

Written by Felix Waller Y5


Tuesday 11th February 2020 - Kingshill School

On Tuesday 11th February six boys from Years 5 and 6 braved the incredibly cold conditions at Kingshill to compete in the Y5/6 cross-country event.

They all ran extremely well and were a credit to the school with four of them achieving top ten finishes:

Felix 2nd Y5

Luke 6th Y5

Ben S 7th Y6

Idris 10th Y6

Everybody was extremely glad to get back home in the warmth after that.