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Powell's School Church of England (VA) Primary School

Book Week

Many thanks for all your support with book week it was a huge success. We enjoyed visits from two authors John Dougherty and Tracy Corderoy.  All children experienced a workshop and many of the children were enthused to become budding authors.  We were very impressed by the home learning that took place.  The children have made some very impressive boxes depicting different stories, they have taken photos of themselves in unusual places and have written some very entertaining book reviews. The whole school embarked on writing a whole school story where every child contributed a word.  This was read out in Gold Book last week and made for some very entertaining reading!   Thank you for all your support with the Book Fair, it was a great success and raised £1168.   This means we have £640.80 to spend on books for our school!  We are also pleased to tell you that the donations from children dressing as their favourite book characters raised £335, this is being matched by FOP’s which gives us £670 to spend on fiction books for the KS1 Library & reference books for the whole school library. Many thanks to Mrs Burry and Mrs Stevens for organising such a successful week and also to FOP’s for their ongoing support.