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Powell's School Church of England (VA) Primary School

Class Readers

Each class has a ‘Class Reader’ book. This will be a high quality text, linked to the current topic, that is read to the class by the teacher. The text is then used by the class to explore and discuss the plot, language, events etc. Children reflect on what has happened in their story so far before the teacher models the reading of an exciting, emotive or profound story. Class Readers are a brilliant way of immersing the children in high quality language which, we hope, they will then use in their own writing and also helps to promote a love of reading – something that we are passionate about at Powell’s.

In upper Key Stage 2 it is the aim that all classes have at least enough copies of these texts so that children can share a copy to read between two. Often children are so inspired by the ‘Class Reader’, that they go on to read other books by the same author or on the same theme – this is where our ‘Topic Troves’ are such a great resource as they contain other high quality books that are linked to the topic and help to ‘feed’ the children’s passion for reading.

In Early Years and Key Stage 1, particularly with the younger ones, where stories are much shorter, a ‘repeated reader’ model ensures children develop familiarity and love of a range of stories. Children read and appreciate a quality, short story over the course of a week. This may mean that the story is read several times in succession. Children are encouraged to join in, take part and retell the story. Over several weeks, a bank of stories will have been learnt and loved. Again the ‘Topic Troves’ are the perfect resource as they are full of these stories that quickly become the children’s favourites and are available in each classroom for the children to enjoy independently.

Our current 'Class Readers' are:


Autumn Term 1 Class Readers

Autumn Term 2 Class Readers

Summer Term 5 Class Readers

Summer Term 6 Class Readers

Spring Term Class Readers