Collective Worship
We have Collective Worship every day. This is inclusive, invitational and inspiring. Our worship gives pupils and school staff the opportunity to:
- Engage in an act of community
- Express praise and thanksgiving to God
- Be still and reflect
- Explore the big questions of life and respond to national events
- Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness
- Reflect on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ.
- Affirm Christian values and attitudes
- Share each other’s joy and challenges
- Celebrate special times in the Christian calendar.
On Monday we enjoy worship with Mrs Cooper. On a Tuesday pupils have collective worship in their classrooms or Canon Graham comes in to lead worship. Wednesday is in key stages and may be ising pop, another visitor from the Church or Baptist Church or pupil led. On Thursday children enjoy singing worship. Friday is a time when we come together in key stages to celebrate our achievements as a school family.
On a Wednesday Mrs Stickney, Mrs Morris and Mrs Fonte lead a special worship in a year group; where on rotation each year group has an opportunity to spend an extended worship together. With the opportunity to focus on ‘growing personally and spiritually flourishing’.
year 6 growing personally and spiritually flourishing .pdf
Our worship planning is carefully crafted, and worship is theologically rooted. Each term the plan focuses on a value. We award value leaves and the value’s bear to children in worship on a Friday, who have lived out the value in school. Our worship links to our vison of ‘talk, learn, grow on our journey together’ and includes study of bible stories, key festivals from a range of faiths, British Values, developing courageous advocacy and social justice and significant dates in history.
In addition to the weekly worship routines, there are opportunities for children to lead services both in school and also at the church. Our worship groups plan and deliver worship regularly to the school. In addition, we have year 6 children who are spiritual leaders and support the children across the school with their spiritual development. The children also lead special occasions such as the Remembrance service. The school attends the Church to celebrate harvest, Easter and Christmas, where the children have responsibility for leading the service. Families, governors and the wider community are all encouraged to attend these celebrations. In addition, there are times when the school attends Church to take part in an act of worship for example at the start of advent.
There is regular opportunity for pupils and staff to reflect on the worship and the impact of this on themselves and their own spiritual development. Reflection opportunities are collected, evaluated and inform the future planning of worship across the school. The school Church and Community committee review the impact of worship.