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Powell's School Church of England (VA) Primary School

School Council

Meet the 2023-2024 School Council

School Council Agreement

  • Everyone should respect each other and be kind
  • Everyone has a say
  • Everyone has the right to be safe 
  • We will try our best to make good decisions for everyone
  • We will take turns to speak
  • We will ensure each class is informed of our ideas

We are a group of children, two children from each year group in years one to six. We meet about every three weeks in Mrs Coopers office. Our job is to gather ideas from our classes and discuss them to improve the school each year.

Here is a list of things we have improved recently:

  • Buddy bench
  • Forest School
  • Equipment at lunch
  • Changing Key Stage 1 lunchtime layout

We remind our classes just before each meeting, every three weeks about suggestion boxes (these boxes are in the classrooms for children to put their suggestions in). We take these suggestion boxes to our meeting and discuss them with each other.